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  When I am old---*Butterfly*

When I am old

When I am old, is no longer original me. Please comprehend to me, to my anything of patience. When I dirty my clothes by the vegetable soup, when I forget how to tie my shoelaces, please consider at the beginning how I tought you hand in hand.

   When I aways repeat all over the words you are already tired of these, please hear it patiently, do not interrupt me. When you was young, I had to repeat that words more than 1000 times of the same stories, until you entered the dreamland.

   When I need you help me take a shower, please do not rebuke me. Can you remember I humbugged you into taking a shower all my ways in your childhood days?

   When I frighten into inaction with the new things and the new technology, please do not sneer at me. Consider at the beginning I how to answer the every “why” to you patiently.

   When I am tired because of my legs and can’t move about, please stretch out you’re the young and strong hands to support me. Resemble I helped you study to walk when you were a kid.

   When I forget the theme of we talking, please give me some time to remember. As a matter of fact, it’s not important of the content. I’ll be satisfied you are just listening to me.

   When I become older and older, please do not be sorrow. Just comprehending and supporting to me, like I teached you at the beginning of you studied how to live.

   At that time, I had lead you to be grow up, now, please go with me to end the last time of my life. I need a bit love and patience. I will smile with grateful which congeal my endless love.

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  Post  by  huliguang 发表于 2007/3/27 20:23:00

